Now don't be jealous all you single women out there. He's ALLLL MINE!
A few friends and I decided to go to this place called Healy Pass one afternoon. Gary had been out there the day before and said it was absolutely beautiful. He had also met the farmer who owned a lot of the land out there and talked to him for about 45 minutes. His story of the farmer was amusing, but harmless. Well, off we go to Healy Pass and park the car by a beautiful river with a little stone bridge over it. Picturesque. When out of nowhere, this blue beat up Buick drives by us and starts to turn around. Gary says "Uh Oh!". I say what do you mean "Uh Oh!". Gary says, "Well, this is the farmer I met yesterday, and what I forgot to tell you about was that he said AT LEAST 20 times that all he wants out of life is a wife and kids. So beware when he walks up because I'm not sure of how many women he's actually been around.". And wouldn't you know it. He gets out of his car, shakes hands with Gary, BARELY acknowledges our other friend, Lucas, and comes straight over to me. You know how the French kiss on both cheeks? Well, he did that in the form of a hug. He hugged me on the right, really hard, and then let go only long enough to hug me on the left, equally as tight. He then placed himself between me and the guys and began his 100 questions. "Where are you from? What brings you to Ireland? How long are you in Ireland?" Now mind you-there's no time to actually answer any of the questions because he's firing them at me so fast. Not to mention, he has the srongest Irish accent I've heard so far and can barely understand him. At the same time he's looking me up and down, probably measuring me up for the wedding dress he has hanging in his bedroom closet. Just waiting for someone to come along who can fill it. Or WILL fill it. The questions continue. "How do you like Ireland? Do you think you could live here forever? Do you like farms? Do you have any sisters? How many sisters do you have? When are THEY coming to Ireland?". Now at this point, I'm backing up because he's also a very close talker and smells PUNGENTLY like sheep. I'm making eye contact with Gary and Lucas the whole time for help, and they're just laughing. Thanks guys. So finally, I stop the questions and tell the farmer I'm going to go take some pictures, and attempt to say good bye. The farmer turns to Gary and says, "Would you be so kind as to take a picture of us?". He takes MY camera out of my hands and hands it to Gary, grabs me around the waste and presses his head up against mine(I laughed because Mom always makes fun of Tamarra and I for doing that). Gary took one picture and then said " Oh no, the flash wasn't on, I need to take another one." I almost killed him. After the second picture, Gary offered for us to send the man a copy, but he could care less. He just wanted an excuse to hug me. We ended up finally prying ourselves away from him after another session of hugs.
If you look closely in the photo, this man's zipper is wide open and there's a huge hole in his sweater right over it. Another friend back at the Hostel refers to "My Farmer" as "Quick Draw" and said, after hearing the whole days events, "You could be the new EWE!" buh dun bum bum.
So no worries folks. I'm well taken care of over here. If you need me, I'll be over at the Healy Pass. At least I know I have options right?
Let us know when the wedding is.. Maybe Mary can be the Flower Girl.... Oh how happy I am for you... Love ya Bek.
Way to go Reebs! You man magnet you. Glad to hear you're having such a great time.
Hi Rebecca,
I'm glad things are going normal, at least for you. Love the guy with the torn sweater!
We were in FL and just got back last night. We had sooo much fun, it was insane! It was so warm and beautiful there. However, we are glad to be back home. Dakota blessed Clearwater, FL beach. Bill told him that if he had to pee, go in the ocean. Well, he put, lets say just his toes in the ocean, dropped his shorts and peed away. Everyone around us got a good laugh. It was funny. We went to Kennedy Space Center, Disney World, Sea World, and the beach. Stayed at a beautiful hotel. My uncle had a friend and we got in for $50 a night. Incredible place. Anyone, I'm rambling. Our vacation wasn't as layed back as yours. I know you are working, but it seems like you are enjoying the culture there. Love ya, Michelle
Hey Beck,
I think you should give him a chance. You'll get use to the smell after a couple of months, or get good at holding your breath. Your mom might be able to get a flock of sheep and some goats milk for ya.
Hey Mrs PF or could it be Mrs Bah,
I'm glad you are making new friends or should I say a possible mate. I mean he is not Mr Potote Farm but you'll always have chops to eat and with the wool you could knit him a new sweater to cover his private parts. See you have to look on the brighter side. I'm sure the girls wish you the best of luck on you future wedding. Have you named any of the wooley little ones yet? Should I make reservations soon? We miss you and can't wait to hear what's next.
Dude, All I can think to say is..........YIKES!!!!!!
Hmm, he asked if you had any sisters? PLEASE be sure to introduce him to Tamarra when she visits! I think they'd make a fabulous couple! :-)
Hey Rebecca!
With a greeting like that, you must be wearing your IWHB tee shirt? I knew that it would attract the right guy one of these days!! Lucky you!! If it’s that easy to find a husband, I’ll be on the next flight out. How could a girl pass that up?
Let me know if he has any brothers. Then we could be sister-in-laws!! Miss you.
I'm just checking to see how hard it is to leave a comment because so many of you have had different problems...R
guess this is one way to make a real irish woman out o' ya.... iah??
missin' ya, missy.....
t of mdltwn.
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