Hi Again...I'm back! We've had technical difficulties at Dzogchen Beara, so I'm in town right now in an internet cafe. I guess the way things work here is that they pay for a certain amount of downloadable space a month and if you go over it, it's extremely expensive. Kind of like our cell phones. Well...one of the volunteers here (and NO it wasn't me) was apparently downloading a TON of stuff WHILE streaming american radio and making online phone calls. Every Day! So it was a big hubbub and it all came to a head the day AFTER I downloaded my ONE picture onto this site...nice. I thought maybe I had let in a virus that was eating the info or something. Luckily, the guy fessed up. So, the consequence was no internet for awhile.
Anyway-on to the fun. The other night I hitchhiked for the first time. Don't worry-here it's actually a very normal thing, but as you can imagine, I was a little hesitant to try it. But, as luck would have it, a friend (Niall) and I were somewhat abandoned in town by another friend (Mimi). We had all gone into town for dinner and Mimi decided she was gonna run "around the corner" to a friends' house and come back to get us in a "few minutes". She left her car in the car park (Irish for parking lot)and walked away. After about an hour or so, Niall and I decided to go looking for her. We figured she couldn't have gone far seeing as her car was still at the pub, so we started walking. In the meantime a police officer was driving by and Niall said he'd ask him if he knew where Laura lived (Mimi's friend). I, of course, chuckled and made fun of him for thinking that the cop would know where LAURA lived. And whatta ya know-HE DID! He gave us great directions except for the fact that he said LEFT-when it was really HIS left, not ours. So unfortunately we got lost beyond belief. When we made our way back to the pub, the pub was closed and Mimi's car was gone...nice. It was 11pm and we were 7 miles from town. So we started walking. Niall tried thumbing a lift a few times and the cars just whizzed by. So the 3rd or 4th car coming, I stood right out in the road with my thumb high, and they stopped...on the way up to the center, we talked to the driver who turned out to be the owner of...are you ready for this...none other than...Lovey and Dovey! I asked him if they had names and he said he doesn't have time for things like that. So I told him their names. Fun huh?
Things at Dzogchen Beara are going wonderfully. I'm working my butt off (Really I am) but I'm learning so much and just loving the environment. I've met just the most interesting people and had so much fun. It's not the peaceful, free time experience I thought it would be, but I'm loving it. I've been here a month already, isn't that nuts?
The picture I've attached is of the full moon from my back yard, about 20 feet from the back door. Gotta love it.
I hope everyone is well and I miss you all-Love, me
Hey Beck,
I'm really happy to see that your enjoying Ireland as much as you are. It's almost scary that you don't have and hair-brained stories to tell, it's almost as if the Black Cl--- (never-mind, i wont say it).
Hey Mrs PF, We all were wondering what happend to you. I glad to hear that you are well and still having the time of your life. Only you could get into these situations and manage to come out ok. We could never think of hitching here. We'll be waiting for your next excursion.
Love the pic... that's kinda what my back yard looks like too, but instead of ocean, it is glistening snow...lol... Next time you run into Lovey & Dovey's owner... offer him a buck or two to bring them home.... Kids miss you, and I sort of do too...
Love ya babe,
Julie, Mary & Adam
Hi Rebecca,
Beautiful picture, and yes we did miss you! Always something interesting going on there for you, huh?! But as your aunt, I would be remiss if I didn't issue the "be careful" warning to you (about hitchhiking!) There are crazies everywhere, even in beautiful Ireland. Keep the mail coming. We miss you. Love, Aunt Nancy
Hi Reebs-I'm trying this again. Let's hope it goes through this time. Glad to hear you're having such a great time. Hope the weathers as nice there as it is here right now. Spring is on the way. Keep the blogs coming.
Well of course we missed you! Are you seriously working hard there? I thought it was only a few hours a day???
And we know it was really you that ate up all the bandwidth. You should really see someone about your addiction to porn. ;)
Hey, Rebecca! I'm trying this for the first time. At least I'm in a nice warm home and not a cold tin can! I love reading your messages and seeing the pictures. I am spending my days playing with Ela and my evenings playing at Borders. Jude was in the other day and wanted me to pass along a "Hi" from her. Keep up your spirits, keep your necklace out of your teeth and all should go well.
Love ya . . . Mrs. H. :)
Hey Seester, I love the picture and I am so excited that I will be seeing your beautiful mug in less than a month. Ahhhhh.......to be in Ireland on St Paddy's day will be a dream come true and I can't wait. Maybe a little irish step dancing with my sis, huh? I keep trying to concentrate on my school work but I keep getting distracted by the fact that I am coming to see you. Look out Ireland is all I can say.....and tell Lovey and Dovey they better step aside.
I miss you and love you, seester.
Hey Reebs, just wanted to let you know that I finally got my blog working and the address is http://tmartz.blogspot.com/.
Feel free to check it out. Not much on there right now but I'm working on it.
Hey Shmoopie! You have got to be kidding me with that view! And I thought I had it pretty good with the Space Needle. I'm glad to hear that you still love it despite being left behind (lets be honest, I'm surprised it hadn't happened till now with your luck). Speaking of, send some of those Leprichans out here to us schmucks who could use it. By the way, the pict of you is the first time I've seen you with your new Du. Can't see it very well but looks cute from what I can see. Anyway, be well and good luck with that whole silence thing (what if you drop something? Is everything padded just in case? Bubblewrap maybe. No that wouldn't work.) Love and miss you.
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