Hey everyone, I'm back! I finally found a computer that can pull up this website. So unfortunately, I'll probably only get to update this about once a week or so, hopefully.
Things are going great here. I've had the last 2 days off and basically have been exploring. Today, a friend from the Hostel took me down to an old castle ruins where he then jumped in the water...I was tempted until I felt it-the Irish are NUTS!
So far, not much craziness. The people here are wonderful. I finally found a place where my sarcasm fits in perfectly...maybe too perfectly. The Irish have great sense's of humor.
I'm gonna try and put a picture on here today too-we'll see. I wish I had a crazy story for you, but oddly enough, things are running rather smoothly. I've had a million things I've wanted to write about, and now that I'm finally on my blog, I can't think of any.
I understand why Mel always wants her tea HOTTER! The Irish drink SCOLDING hot tea. I also now understand Grandma with her neverending butter dish and constant toast-it's an Irish thing. There's just a brick of Butter that sits on the counter next to a loaf of bread in the Hostel. If I thought I was going to lose any weight here, I was sorely mistaken. I went to the grocery store with a friend yesterday and she said "I forgot my glasses, can you tell me how much fat is in this?" I looked and cringed as I said "24.48 grams..." She said "Great! The more fat, the better." I really AM in another country. They cook with Butter milk (which I think comes straight out of the cow) and even the lowfat milk tastes creamier than our Whole. They pour yogurt on just about everything and eat cheese by itself...(the wisconsinites might understand that). I love it here!
Those are my tidbits for the moment. It's weird being a place where no one knows anything about the US. I am the ambassador---look out America! I've been filling people in on the important things like the "Hot Coffee McDonald's lawsuit" and that the "F" in "Fifty Cent" is silent. That it's not PC to say "Merry Christmas" anymore, and that Starbuck's basically has their own language. I've also held a workshop in the art of Southern Drawl, you can only imagine what an Irish accent in Southern Drawl sounds like. It's way too entertaining. These are all good things to know if they come visit America.
I'm gonna try and put a picture in here now. John, a husband of one of the other Volunteers was visiting and I asked him to take a picture of me. Before I could even let go of the camera, he started taking pictures. He wouldn't stop. This is one of those pics. He was having way too much fun.
I miss all of you and sorry for the delay on my blog...you should see the computer in the woods...let's just say that it probably remembers the 80's better than I do. Love ya-me
Martzy I'm so glad you're having such a great time. Just enjoy it! I almost called you the other night and then I remembered that you are far far away. I was shocked to hear there are no crazy stories. What do the monks do? You've got to have crazy monk stories! I miss you.
Rebecca Finally we here from you again. I was worry that you might of fallen off the edge. Glad you're ok and a great photo of you. You look happy. So tell us what a normal day is like? Have you had time to start any art work? Well stay healthy and we will talk soon. Love ya, Aunt Ceil
cheese is gooood the higher the fat content the better.
Rebecca soundsd like great hours just 10-3. Does it get any better than that. It looks sssooooo beautiful there in the pic. Can't wait to see more. Have a great time & enjoy yourself. Love Mary
Continue having a great time
Love Mary
I did worry when for few days there was nothing to read, but so glad to read about your adventures again.
I see you are doing just fine, and seem to enjoy yourself. I'm very glad for you, but we do miss you here at Aetna.
No crazy stories??? That is very odd... I love cheese, I love bread and butter.... sign the kids and I up...
We love ya and miss you lots Bekkah!!!!
Rebecca, well at last we hear from you again. Girl you just must be having too much fun. I hope your being safe please. It seems that things going well for you. I'm glad. Look forward to hearing more stories. Views look great.
Miss you.
Hey Beck,
I was starting to become worried when I didn't see your blog for a couple of days. Glad your having such a great time and seeing all of that breath-taking scenery.
Top of the day to ya, Missy!! Shared your blog info with Russ Taylor, mgr at work.... maybe he'll check on to see if your locale brings back memories to him. Delightful and inspiring man and quite familiar with Ireland.
Pray all is well with you. Today is Friday and you know what that means to me.... yep - college. Got up for a few minutes to clear cobwebs around 2:00. Sophie-dog figured my palm pilot that i use for my college papers looked like quite the nice play toy. Yep.... memory disc and all.... gone.
Figured I'd offer a good story to keep company with yours. Sure looking forward to that warm mug of Bailey's (yes, while using a straw of course) when you return. So many stories; so little time.
Missing your company in the morning. Anyway, we'll talk.
T of Middletown
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