Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Made in China

So here's a little thing I've been noticing and just need to comment on...

Why is it that some Americans, when on vacation, are so conscious of whether or not their little knick-knacky gifts are made in America? And not only in America...but locally.

I had a woman, from Texas, in the gift shop the other day looking at the wall of stereotypically tourist gifts. She picked up a stuffed Moose with the word "Alaska" embroidered on it's antler, and quickly checked the tag to see where it was made. She became irrate when she saw "Made in China" and LOUDLY stated that if she wanted something "Made in China", she'd visit China. I couldn't help myself and casually mentioned that she should start looking at labels at home...

She's not the only one though. Every day, all day I deal with guests who are appalled by how many of the cheap items are made in China and how expensive the handmade, made in America, local items are. And when they buy the expensive, handmade, made in America, local items, they want to know everything about the craftsman. Where they live, how they got into this business, how long they've lived here, etc... Aren't these things that should be happening everywhere? Why do we feel compelled to support local artists & businesses when on vacation? Why not at home?

Now I know this is a broad generalization. I know that there are millions of conscious souls out there supporting their local businesses, craftsman and artists, but I also know there are millions who are not. It's one thing to know that you may not be paying as close attention as you should be (I'm talking to myself now), it's another to be completely ignorant in thinking that the Tourism industry has single handedly kept the chinese sweatshops in business.

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