Easter is Greece's BIGGEST holiday. It was a little wild here. They actually white wash their houses for the occasion. They shot off fireworks midnight Easter morning. The dogs loved that one.
Things are going great here. The sun is out and it gets warmer every day. Today I sat with my feet in the water for awhile. It was freezing, otherwise I would have been swimming.
I've attached a few photos and I can't quite remember in what order they're in. I know one is of Rupert and Kukla on our morning walk. One is of my Easter socks from the back yard on Easter day. The sunrise (when the dogs get me up) from my bedroom, Me filling the water jugs at the spring. That's the ruins of an old Turkish house behind me. And the last one is from today. I'm on top of this island that used to be a Fortress in the Byantine Era. It's ruins of a whole town up there (the original town I'm staying in). I wanted to attach a picture of what the island looks like-but my next one I guess.
Brian and Jillian have changed their plans and are coming back tomorrow. Only two weeks, but I'll take what I can get. They said I can stay on and help with their gardens and then I might go stay with Usha for a week or so. After that, I'm off to Italy. I'm meeting a friend from Dzogchen Beara and we're going to explore a little. I figure, I'm all the way over here, I might as well...right?
I went to town yesterday and went with a woman here, Gloria, to the butcher...WHOOOOWEEEE! LET ME TELL YOU! The meat locker was right there and Gloria asked if they had any lamb. The butcher walked into the cooler and walked out with an ENTIRE HALF OF A LAMB! Cut right down the middle! The head, organs and even tail made it onto this half too...YIKES!!!! The butcher cut the head off to start (the eyelashes were still on) and hung it on this chain with about a dozen other heads. I hadn't noticed that lovely decoration until then. Gloria picked which pieces she wanted and he cut it right there. I started to look around, as to not get sick, and noticed they had pictures of happy cows, sheep, pigs and chickens all over the walls. WHAT KIND OF SICK...? Anyway-I stepped outside and waited for Gloria. Later, we went to get a drink and the Taverna had about 8 Octopus hanging on a line like laundry-double Yikes. They dry them out and then when people order them, they cut pieces off of them right from the line. YUM! Needless to say, I was not hungry yesterday at all.
The GOOD animal news is though that while we were in town, Gloria's cat had 4 kittens. We came back and she was feedin them in a little box. I have pics of them too, but the blog only allows me so many.
So, my alone time is up, but it's been wonderful. A crazy change from the constant buzz of the Retreat Center.
I miss you all and wish everyone well.
Oh yea, one little ditty-Apparently they make soup out of the sheep heads and the butchers' sister said they're really good baked. I'll take her word for it.
Bek, All I can say is... "nice socks". They really make the picture!!... lol Mary would like a picture of the horse posted, and possibly the kitties.... That's all
We love you,
Jule, Mary & Adam
Way to go Rebecca. Even I don't know if I could get my meat from a real fresh markey like that. Hope you had a nice Easter. We missed ya. You would've enjoyed the shrimp I had. It was a really nice meal. Baked potatoes & potato casserole!!! Doesn't get much better than that.(Won't do that again). Can't wait to see more pics.Take care & continue having a great time & keep those pics coming.
Looks like you are really enjoying Greece, and the pics are great. Can't wait to hear more about Greece when you get home, since we have been thinking about a trip there someday. For now, Uncle Tim & I have been busy planning a trip out to Calif to see Amy for about 5 days & then we are going on a road trip for another week and a half sightseeing all over Calif, Nevada & Arizona. Leaving here on 4/23 & so looking forward to seeing Amy. You take care & keep the pics coming! (sorry so long!) Love, Aunt Nancy
Hi Rebecca, I am still trying to get passed that butcher shop. UGH! I could probably become a vegetarian after that. Or just never eat there. The pics are great. It is so great yu have gotten this once in a lifetime trip. Miss you and Love you, Mom
Hey Girl!!
Ireland, Greece, Italy-- perhaps after that you can come to Cambridge! Just for a visit and then you can head off to the next adventure. :) Miss you lots!!
I'm glad you're having a great time.
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