Well, Here I am! I'm sorry, I fell off the map there for a little while. A lot has been going on. I absolutely loved Italy. The pictures I've posted are mostly of Italy, but the last one is in Ireland. Yes, I'm back in Ireland. My friend, Fulcrum, and I traveled around Italy for a few weeks together and then headed back to Ireland. It turned out that Dzogchen Beara didn't need any more Volunteers so Fulcrum and I had to come up with alternative plans. He ended up going back to Philadelphia, which is where he's from, and I went on to a Zen Buddhist Organic Farm. And that's when I fell off the map.
To make a long story short, I stayed at the farm for 2 weeks and a friend from Dzogchen Bear (DZB) came to pick me up. I am now back at DZB for probably another month, but I will have a return date to the States shortly. The Rinpoche is coming here to do an 8 day retreat next week and I want to get in on some of his teachings. It's the biggest event of the year here and I am so glad to be a part of it. I will let you all know when I have a definate date. I miss and love you.
The top picture is of me and Fulcrum in Florence. The next one is sunset in Florence. Then me with the Leaning tower of pisa and then in Keal Kill Ireland with my friend Megan who drove me down from Dublin. Love-Me