Howdy Everyone! I'm Back! I have had an unbelievable amount of trouble trying to get on this blog in the last few weeks. Sorry.
If you can't tell from the picture, Tamarra and Katie have made it to Ireland. They showed up on last Monday afternoon. A little weird to have 2 of my world's come together, but it was also wonderful. Tamarra got to see where and how I've been living and to meet my friends there. She got to meditate in the amazing Shrine room and of course partake in my going away party...I'm collecting them.
Leaving Dzogchen Beara was extremely difficult for me. It's only been 2 months, but I have become extremely close to quite a few people there and if I decide to go back, most of them will be long gone. I will never be able to explain everything I've learned from the people there, but it was a life changing experience.
On a lighter note-you're all going to love this. On the way out of Beara, I took Tamarra and Katie through the Healy Pass. I don't know if any of you recognize that name, but it's referenced in the freaky farmer, who was looking for a wife, story. Well, guess what? Yup, you guessed it. I told them that we should not get out of the car, but there was a beautiful spot that Tamarra really wanted a picture of. I told her alright, but to keep an eye out for a blue beater car...not 4 minutes comes a blue beater down the mountain. Tamarra starts walking towards the car quickly and katie and I are following behind. As the car gets closer, Tamarra recognizes the toothless grin from my blog photo. She turns around and says "Let's step it up a notch ladies" and we all take off running for the car. He pulls over and is out of his car in a flash. As we're now sprinting for the car, he's only a few feet behind asking us how are hoidays are. Still running, I say "Fine Thanks!" and we jump in the car. Just as he gets to the back of the car, Tamarra guns it and gravel flies up from under the tires. As we drive away, we look out the back window and katie says she saw him swing his arm and snap his finger like "Drats, another one got away!". The Freaky Farmer strikes again. So to all you ladies out there with the inkling to visit Ireland...DO NOT GET OUT OF THE CAR AT THE HEALY PASS!
We stayed in Killarney that first night and went to the Killarney National park the next day. We stayed in a little town called Doolin, by the Cliffs of Moher the next night, and the Cliffs are where the picture is from. It was too bad because the Cliffs are becoming a cliched tourist attraction. Still beautiful though. We made our way to Galway after that where we stayed for 2 nights. We went out to the Connemara National Park and hiked up Diamond Hill. 1400 ft-HUGE accomplishment for me. And after 2 days in Galway, we headed for Athlone, which is halfway between Galway and Dublin. The Hostel we wanted to stay in had been demolished 4 months ago and replaced with apartments, so we went to an old "traditional Farm Hostel" in the middle of nowhere. We thought it was just us out there until about 10 Irish Forestry guys walked in like the 7 dwarfs and entertained us for the rest of the night, in front of the biggest best fireplace I've ever seen.
Last night was our last night in Ireland and together. We drove into Dublin and had Indian food for dinner. We drove out to the hotel that Tamarra and Katie rented their car and took a nap in the car. Then we hung out in the Hotel lobby for a few hours, just prolonging the inevitable. We took the shuttle to the airport and hunkered down for the night because we were all leaving in the morning. I love sleeping on linoleum.
This morning I left Ireland. I'm sitting in the London Luton airport waiting for my flight to Athens in 4 hours. I'm extremely tired, but I miss Ireland already. What an amazing place. Stay tuned for stories from the land of sunshine and olive trees. Love ya-Me